Oscar Geerars

In 2020, I graduated at the Fontys University of Applied Sciences in Eindhoven. During this study, I had the opportunity to do an internship at Brightlands Materials Center in Geleen. Here, I did research on the mechanical properties of Adsint TPU 90 and Adsint PP flex using Selective Laser Sintering. For my graduation project, I did a project in the Polymer Technology group at the Mechanical Engineering department of the TU Eindhoven. I did research on increasing the long term lifetime of polymer systems by fiber reinforcement and rubber toughening under supervision of Prof. dr. Leon Goveart.

In 2021, I completed the pre-master program for the Chemical Engineering Molecular Sciences and Material Chemistry mastertrack at the TU Eindhoven. Currently, I am working in the Sijbesma Group on my master thesis about the 3D printability of Dynamic Covalent Networks using Fused Deposition Modelling under the supervision of Shahzad Hafeez.

Email: o.b.geerars@student.tue.nl
Office: HEO 4.07