I was born in the Czech Republic, but lived most of my life in the Netherlands and UK. I started at the TU/e in 2013, in the group of Rene Janssen, Physics Department as a replacement for maternity leave and after that I became the “MST group secretary” and in 2016 I also started to work for Rint Sijbesma and his group.
My job is to support the groups, with such varied issues as administrative procedures, finding a dentist, the MST retreat etc.
I enjoy my work, particularly meeting people from different cultures, the informal way we go about our daily business and the great sense of humour many in our group posses. No day is boring, there is always something new to do and learn.
Email: m.jiricka@tue.nl
Phone: +31 40 247 8260
Office: HEO 4.33