Rinterklaas 2024
GLOW Eindhoven walk 13th November
BASF Ludwigshafen visit September 2023
Sinterklaas celebration 2022 – multicultural dinner, presents and poems and Charades
28th June 2021: Outdoor activity and dinner
After nearly a 1,5 year of Covid measures we could finally have a Face2Face activity again. Great day of cycling and kayaking that finished with a dinner. The day was thoroughly enjoyed by all.
31st January 2020: Dinner and Disco Skating
5th December 2019: Sinterklaas celebration – dinner, presents and poems
February 2019: Multicultural dinner and games evening
Some delicious foods were prepared: Pasta salad with a Greek twist, Tortilla de patata y empanada, Chocolate mousse, couscous salad and roasted drumsticks, Pão de Queijo, Frikandellen met krieken, Chicken Kasa/Parathha and Tomato Chutney, Spinach pie, Chinese Taco’s, Chinese dumplings and a Dutch Speciality desert: yoghurt with grated apple, raisins, cinnamon and “beschuit”.
The 2018 SMO Christmas party.
Every year the whole department of MST (Molecular Science and Technology) has a Christmas party. This year we had a theme: movies. So everyone could dress up as a character from a movie. You could dress up on your own, in pairs or even as a whole group. Group Sijbesma went as Harry Potter cast.