Sakshi Sharma

I received my Bachelor of Science (B.Sc. Hons.) in Chemistry from Kirori Mal College, University of Delhi, India, in 2020. After that, I completed my Master’s in Chemistry from the Indian Institute of Technology Ropar, India, in 2022. My master’s thesis focused on developing antibacterial self-assembled peptide-conjugate gel loaded with yttrium oxide nanoparticles for wound healing. 

Then, I joined Intas Biopharmaceuticals, Ahmedabad, India, in 2022 as a Trainee Research Associate and was promoted to Research Associate in 2023. There, my work was mainly focused on developing methods for excipient analysis in different Biosimilars. In October 2023, I joined as a PhD candidate in the group of Prof. Rint Sijbesma at Eindhoven University of Technology.


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