
Using molecular self-assembly we build supramolecular polymers that derive their functionality from responsivity to molecular or mechanical stimuli and from their structure at the nanometer length scale.


At the Supramolecular Polymer Chemistry group at Eindhoven University of Technology we develop molecular self-assembly as a tool to create smart, responsive materials. The study of mechanically induced chemistry is one of our main activities. Also, as part of a coherent, interdisciplinary research program at TU/e, we contribute to the development and characterization of biocompatible synthetic materials that are mechanically indistinguishable from biological materials. Thirdly, we exploit photopolymerizable liquid crystalline materials to develop responsive and thin films, and nanoporous membranes.
Finally, we explore the chemistry of Dynamic Covalent Polymer Networks for 3D printing and other applications.

NEWS 2024


2 new Master Students started. Welcome Noa Abelshausen en Luuk de Bresser.



A warm welcome to Professor Mahesh K. Mahanthappa, Department of Chemical Engineering & Materials Science, University of Minnesota, who will be spending 3 months sabatical in our group.  


We welcome Bjorn Schreiner and Tim Kuenen, who started as BEP students.

Tatsuhiro Kuwaba started as a new PhD. Welcome!


A warm welcome to Praveen Thoniyot who has co-joint our group and Palmans group as a Postdoc. 

NEWS 2023


A warm welcome to Lotte Wolf (BEP student) and Teun Prinsen (Master student).


Sakshi Sharma will strenghten our team as a new PhD student. Welcome!



On 7th and 8th September our group, together with the group of Zeljko Tomovic, visited BASF in Ludwigshafen. (see also group activities).


In September we welcomed 3 new Master students: Thomas Jonkers, Melanie Marijnissen en Larissa van Kruchten.


Oscar Geerars has started as a PhD in our group. Welcome!



On June 28th, Soumabrata Majumdar has successfully defended his thesis “Phosphate Esters in Dynamic Covalent Networks” and obtained the degree of Dr. Congratulations Souma!



A new master student joined our group: welcome Gijs Langenhuijsen!


Congratulations to Oscar Geerars for succesfully defending his Master thesis.


NEWS 2022



Laurens van Andel has succesfully defended his Master thesis. Congratulations!Westley Hennessen started in our group as HBO intern. Welcome!


Mid October 2 new Postdocs joined our group. A warm welcome to  Dr. Khalid Naim and Dr. Fang Yin!

The new Interactive Polymeric Materials Research Center receives more than 15 million euros to develop new dynamic and sustainable polymer materials for science and society. On October 10th Minister Robbert Dijkgraaf presented the award.On October 1st Roy Wink started as a new PhD. Welcome Roy!


Diederik van Luijk  (Exploring potential catch bonds in mechanochemically active phosphate triesters) and Soumabrata Majumdar (RNA-inspired exchange reactions in covalent adaptable networks) presented at Chains.New starters: Quentin Cornelissen and Ilja Freund, Master students and Luuk de Bresser, Intern. Welcome to our group!


We also welcome our new Postdoc, Dr. Shahzad Hafeez to our group.

Oscar Geerars has joined our group as a new Master student. Welcome!Congratulations to Roy Wink for successfully defending his Master thesis!



Congratulations Dr. Aerts! On March 22nd, Annelore defended her thesis “Mechanochemical Stress Visualization in Polymers and Composites” with success.


March the 3rd, Jie Liu has successfully defended his thesis “Bis-urea Based Supramolecular Hydrogels as Extracellular Matrix Mimics” and obtained the degree of Dr. Congratulations Jie!




Friday 25th February, Patricia Marín San Román has successfully defended her thesis “Nanoporous filtration membranes based on columnar liquid cristals”. Congratulations Dr. Marin!


1st February: Laurens van Andel started his master project with us. Welcome!


On January 28th Huiyi Zhang has successfully defended her thesis “Internal Catalysis in Dynamic Covalent Networks and obtained the degree of Dr. Congratulations!



NEWS 2021


A new BEP student, Teun Prinsen and a new Master student, Assad Bahari have joined our group. Welcome!

June & July:

July 19th: A  warm welcome to Zhiyong Ma, who has joined us for 1 year as a visiting researcher and to Roy Wink, our new Master student.Congratulations to Annemiek van Hertrooij, Daniel Bouwens, Steffijn de Koning and Martijn Scholten for successfully defending their Master thesis.


Nico van Rijswijk has joined our group for a Capita Selecta project under the supervision of Diederik van Luijk. Welcome!


We welcome a new addition to our group: Douriya Khedaioui, who joined our team as a Postdoc.


Welcome to Bart Saes, who joined our group as Postdoc!

NEWS 2020


Online publication in NEMO Kennislink (in Dutch) Duurzamere plastics voor de 3D-printer

Welcome to the new additions to our team: Steffijn de Koning, Martijn Scholten and Daniël Bouwens, Master students and Lisa Cattenstart, Bachelor End Project student!


A warm welcome to our new master student Annemiek van Hertrooij!


Online interview “Polymeerbindingen visualiseren” in c2w


A warm welcome to Tommaso Zani, Erasmus student, who will join our group for 6 months.


We welcome a new Postdoc in our group: Welcome Dr. Yinjun Chen ! Also a warm welcome to Nensi Toncich, an Erasmus student that will join our group for the next 6 months.
We also welcome back Eveline Maassen who returns as Postdoc to our group!

NEWS 2019


2 new Bachelor End Project students: Tom Bruining (coach Huiyi Zhang) and Isabelle Bijlmakers (coach Patricia Marin). Welcome!


Interview: Researchers develop 3-D printing substrate with dynamic bonds for adjustable properties. You can read the article here.

Welcome to our new Bachelor End Project students: Naomi Span(coach Annelore Aerts) and Laurens van Andel (coach Soumabrata Majumdar).

On October 2nd, 2019 Eveline Maassen has successfully defended her thesis titled: Dynamic Covalent Chemistry for UV Curable Networks. Congratulations Dr. Maassen!



On September 30th, 2019 Jan Henk Kamps has successfully defended his thesis titled: Differentiated polymers through the use of activated carbonates. Congratulations Dr. Kamps!Welcome to our new Bachelor End Project student: Caitlin Pieneman.


Congratulations to Angelo Nicosia for winning the Best solution Award during the EIT Health Traslational Fellowship Program training camp, a European program held in St’Anne College (University of Oxford).

He won with his pitch about “A nano defence against bacterial contaminations”, that is a part of his PhD project.


A warm welcome to the newest addition to our group: Lotte Hoff.


New additions to the Sijbesma group: Yunfei Guo, PhD,  Angelo Nicosia, Guest PhD and Tessa Loman, Melvin van der Schaft and Martijn Scholten, Bachelor End Project students. Welcome!


Patricia Marin has won the Poster presentation award at the Dutch Polymer Days 2019 in Lunteren, March 25th and 26th 2019.

Title of her presentation was: Polymerizable liquid crystal based nanoporous membranes for water filtration. Congratulations!


On January 29th 2019 Bao Li successfully defended his thesis titled: Productive Bond Scission Processes in Polymer Mechanochemistry. Congratulations Dr. Li!


News 2018


Congratulations to Annelore Aerts, who on the 13th November 2018, at the Annual DPI meeting in Eindhoven, received the Third Poster Prize for her poster with the title: “π-extended anthracene as mechanophore”